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« Blaenafon, Sept 12/13th | Main


Over the August Bank Holiday the 41st again participated at Military Odyssey. This is a large Muliti-period event with groups from the Greek Hoplite period through to World War Two.

Members travelled down on the Friday through heavy rain and traffic, but as we hit the site the sun came out and stayed with us for the most of the weekend.

Saturday morning we paraded and drilled with the great guys from the 72nd, in the afternoon we battled the French forces, who despite outnumbering the Redcoats 3 to 1, were defeated.

Sunday followed a similar pattern, however the battle was different, this time the French overwhelmed the Redcoats. The British forces stood and died bravely, with the exception of Slasher, who first ran from the fight, and then ran back to the lines. However Slasher's time was limited, the Polish cavalry spotted Slasher with the only other standing soldier protecting the women on the field. They quickly cut down the Scot, and although Slasher armed with only a bayonet, tried to fight of the horsemen, Slasher was cut down. It was at this time that the Polish horsemen gathered up one of the young girls, draped her across his saddle and rode off with his spoils.

It was hoped that Monday would lead to a draw in the battle, but this time the French infantry marched down the British forces, and Slasher was stopped fom running, by a French bayonet.